Posts Tagged ‘life’

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed possible flowing water on Mars

August 5, 2011

Observations from NASAs Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed possible salty liquid water active on planet Mars!

Nasa: NASA Spacecraft Data Suggest Water Flowing on Mars
AlJazeera: NASA finds signs of ‘flowing water on Mars’
Reuters: NASA finds new evidence of liquid water on Mars


A world without days and nights

September 30, 2010

A world without days and nights.

…or constant daylight on one side of the planet, and constant darkness and night on the other side.

Im reading about this planet that scientists have found, which seem to have the right conditions to sustain life.

-Gliese 581g

“This is really the first ‘Goldilocks’ planet, the first planet that is roughly the right size and just at the right distance to have liquid water on the surface”

“This planet doesn’t have days and nights. Wherever you are on this planet, the sun is in the same position all the time. You have very stable zones where the ecosystem stays the same temperature… basically forever,” Vogt said. “If life can evolve, it’s going to have billions and billions of years to adapt to the surface.”

I wonder how it would be like, to live on a planet where there is no day or night. And no summer/winter seasons. I wonder how one would think of Time in such a place. Since there is no natural day/night switches, Time would be something completely different from the Time we are used to on Tellus. If life would evolve on such a planet, how would it be adapted to this? Would it be adapted to sleep periods like we? (Active at daylight, regenerate at night?) Or would life be constantly awake? Or would one travel between the light and dark regions of the planet (be “awake” for a long time, then travel to the dark side and regenerate for a long time?) Would the dark side of the planet, also be inhabited by creatures and life, adapted to this constant darkness? Interesting to think about it. 🙂

-Hope we find out more about this and similar planets in the near future.

Fascinating 🙂